It is on May 01, 2021 celebrating the International Labor Day that AGRIBROS MARKET and DIM Business Family organized an event to mark the opening of the sales market of their first experiment of organic fish called "Mon Panier Plein" My full Basket In english, at which several political-administrative personalities honored their presence, it is about the Minister of agriculture, fishing and livestock, the Minister of youth, the Director of the Industry Promotion Funds (FPI), the representative of the Governor of Upper Katanga province as well as other representatives among others YPARD-DRC, Brasimba and Orange DRC.
The event was an opportunity to address relevant issues related to the production and sale of quality fish in the fight against imports to ensure food security. An opportunity to identify the need of the population concerning organic products expressing a great importance in Lubumbashi town, as declared by the Provincial Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Livestock ( that this event is part of the vision of the Governor H.E. Jacques KYABULA KATWE to eradicate food insecurity and promote the consumption of local products from cooperatives; a statement supported by the Director of FPI ( that the intense production in the agricultural sector, fishing and livestock is part of the major stakes that it is necessary to promote to manage to fight against the export of the first need products and this will allow to have a total control on the quality of food put at the disposal of Congoleses people.
« Mon Panier Plein », a particular event that occurred on May 01, a date that celebrates International Labor Day, for a simple reason: to remind all young Congolese that the country cannot develop without them and this must also be done through the agricultural sector. A very promising sector but little exploited. An opportunity for the team and SMEs present to share their vision, achievements and make their voices heard to local authorities to boost the agricultural sector and meet the growing demand for organic products.
Wishing to bring a sparkle of hope to the Congolese people which in major part depends on imported products and sometimes preserved for a long time without taking into account its harmful effects on health, this event was a push, an impulse for the local producers who are called to expose their products on the online platform and to be accompanied by AGRO-DIM firm with the aim of intensifying the local agricultural production and making agricultural sector a major pillar of development in the DRC and Africa in general.
Complete Government Press report available on